Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Contemplating Life Beyond Batteries

Crevasse conceived anoxic cwm charged womb-grafted
voltage impregnated collier’s lamp of lithium—
the synapse stretch sideways and glacial flow icefalls the birth

A neo-baptism transcendentalism—
born with too much thought beyond batteries

Photocell, gas power, wind foil, hydroelectric, steam engine,
solar plant, grist mill, rickshaw, candle flame, horse drawn,
food groups, water, laughter, tears,

hate, envy, love, regret

Recharged decades in daily hibernations cognitive bi-occular lifelong cinema
Zulu time mind and movie screen—presenting everyone as another

you, only in reflection

A single season-pass punched front seat passenger riding a mesmerizing
one-way continuum Van Gogh colored calculus limits
fine hall phantom game theories

Still life is measured in a cup

Preoccupied with converted chemical current expiration dates and scuba tank timers
The heart of emotion created from nothing overheats starving lungs
Brain drains in senile gray-toned sympathies

Cells melt into metamorphosis neurons dissolve in a pool of matter—
waste product of future food the swan of fragile systems cycle sings

A new chrysalis hangs sleeping cliffside

Belayed frayed betrayed rope unravels at piton grip
descends the elephant waterfall

Wheelchair, walker, dialysis, chemo, insulin injection, cataract prevention,
Depends, bedsores, bedpans, oxygen, forget, accuse, remiss, refuse,

deaf, stare, sneeze, drool

Mirrored mortality picture window absconds into the realm of nonexistence—
a battery discharged forever
Recycled piles grow omnipresent lives, a novelty of the unknown

Privy conversationalists leak gravity acid

Metaphysical self-propelled never-ending enigmatic thoughts live somewhere
A fleeting parallel universe boundless by calendars and maps
no more mortal sentiments harnessed again

climb col—

traverse spur and Lhotse face

Ascent reenters the new birth—unphysical route nomad no man
Spirit, change, exist, persist, determination, actualization, light, dark, up,
down, in, out, metaphor, explore, euphoric, enlightened, utopian, nirvana past quanta,

life beyond batteries

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